Monday 7 April 2008

Around the Premier League Tracks 2008
Monday, 7 April
Yesterday (Sunday) was yet another appalling day for injuries.
In the match at Newport where the Wasps beat the Isle of Wight Tony Atkin was taken to hospital after a heat 3 fall where it was discovered that he has a broken ankle.

Later in the day there was carnage at Mildenhall. In a heat 12 crash Jason Lyons was withdarwn from the meeting suffering from concussion then in heat 13 there was a dreadful crash when Kai Laukkanen, Phil Morris and Casper Wortman collided after having been moved out by the rider on the inside. The three riders crashed through the fence and although Laukkanen appears to have escaped without injury neither Phil Morris nor Casper Wortman were so lucky. The report on Morris is that he has broken ribs, possibly a punctured lung and also internal bleeding. He also has a damaged wrist that maybe broken!

But Casper Wortman is even worse off and is unlikely to ride again this season, He has broken his pelvis and possibly his thigh and suffered internal injuries. He was transferred to Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge during the night and is undergoing an operation this morning.

Birmingham' season is turning into another injury disaster just like last year's Already Kyle Legault looks like being out for the season with a broken femur while James Birkinshaw is still currently on the injured list after a crash last week in the match between Birmingham and Rye House. Now they have lost Phil Morris and, with the current shortage of riders, it's hard to see where they go from here.

During the last week the Isle of Wight lost Krzysztof Stojanowski to an injury and George Stancl broke his collarbone at Scunthorpe. Is there no end to it?
We can only wish all injured riders a speedy recovery. What a season so far!

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